Is using streaming services worthy of an audiophile?

I read that a lot of people on this forum use Tidal etc. Is this ok from audiophile perspective? I mean, do people who use such services actually know what quality is streamed? Don’t you lose all control over your music when you surrender to streaming services?
As a convert to Tidal I have to say that I do not even use a computer for it or even indeed a Tidal app.
I do it all from my LG smartphone through the Bluos app for my Bluesound Vault 2. I am logged into Tidal through that app and basically can listen to everything I own or desire to from Tidal,s vast ever increasing libary without having to do any more than push a few buttons on my phone, talk about convenience.
The masters can also be directly accessed from the phone now and is just so easy its silly.
As others have mentioned the available music on Tidal lets me listen to stuff I probably never would if I had to stump up 10 to 20 dollars on a cd on a "chance" I might like it.
So $20 a month on Tidal is peanuts in reality.
And there is no question in my mind on the SQ on the hirez recordings at all.
Absolutely. Sounds great these days done right and more ways to enjoy than ever.

Some of my favorite memories of music was as a youth listening the radio. Not knowing what to expect next helps keep an open mind when listening. It also helps you discover new gems you would never know about otherwise that bring great pleasure.

These days, I have my own digital music library. Its a very diverse collection of music of all genres and ages, some familiar, much of it not. I spend a lot of time listening to it on random play using Plex or Squeezebox. Its my own personal modern radio station that sounds better than ever. Mapman radio. Nothing beats it. My record collection assembled over many years is gradually getting included as time permits. Those too sound better than ever on a good modern hifi that uses streaming.
I enjoy Tidal . I took an old laptop and bought a Cardas Clear cable to connect to my DAC . I pay $20 per month via Pay Pal . I think it sounds great . So for $20 per month , I have nothing to lose . I have discovered many new artists . For example AudioGon ad for high res download for the band " Noah Wall ". I liked it on Tidal , so I bought the download , or the vinyl . Some people CLEARLY OVERTHINK ! Yes that's a diss . I like trying recommendations based on the experience of people on this site . What I dont enjoy are poo butts that put positive people down . I spent 25 years working level 4 inmates and have had tussels with people that now reside on S.Q. Death row . So please don't be a tough guy on the internet , you're not . Happy Listening , Best of health , Mike B. 
Absolutely. I think another excellent measure of an audiophile is stretching ones boundaries to discover new music and Tidal, Google, etc all contribute to that. Some artist we knew even surprise us with a song on a different "album". So anything that makes you stretch, grow and listen is a good thing.

I understand your concern @defiantboomerang but Tidal is okay. You can invest savely in streaming. I use It next tot my cd collection and FM tuner/antenna and couldn’t be happier.

I use a Rasberry Pi 3b with digi + pro board combined with Mood audio. This is a very cheap setup. Look it up on YouTube Hans beekhuyzen. Use Dbpoweramp’s to rip your cd’s to aiff. Done. You can mod it, or let somebody else mod it for you and you will go in the stratosphere, believe. Also not costly
If you need help, you can pm me.

Last night i had a terrific musical evening. Playing albums from my childhood streamed via Tidal. Reliving audiophile gems which i don’t own in the cd collection. Quality speaking, It’s absolutely amazing. High end without a doubt.

If you also throw Roon in the mix, you will not stop listening tot music. And quality goes up even higher. I Will Roon up later this year with my rasberry. My Roon trial version was *drool* Need to have it ;)