PLEASE match Advice Pass Labs X350.5 (20k) to Hovland HP-100 (2500ohms) Miss-match ???


A friend said this preamp is outstanding and will sound great with Pass Labs amps and to not get caught up in the specs but the measurements say different.

Pass Labs X350.5 amplifier with input Impedance 30k ohms Balanced or 20k ohms Single ended* 
(*source Pass Labs Manual)  

Hovland HP-100 source impedance 2500ohms* 
(*source Stereophile) 

Guys / Gals, can I used my Pass Labs X350.5 amp with Hovland HP-100 preamp? Has anyone used Pass amps with Hovland pre's. I will be using Magico S5 Speakers and Bricasti M1SE DAC but want it to sound the best it can. Should I just stick with the Aesthetix Calypso pre I was leaning toward before my gut said to go for the Hovland HP-100

Hovland HP-100 Preamplifier: * Output impedance: approximately 2500 ohms or according to Atkinson, Hovland HP-100 (2500ohms) its source impedance was high at 2.4k ohms, rising to 4.3k ohms at 20Hz. The partnering power amplifier would best have an input impedance of at least 47k ohms if the bass is not to sound lean*. The Pass Labs doesn't meet the x10 requirement it is supposed to but it is sort of close when looking at it. What do you guys think? I am not sure what to do but you guys will know what to do?

Stereophile: Its input impedance was a usefully high 100k ohms in the midrange and bass, with just a small reduction to a still-high 86k ohms at 20kHz. Despite the claim that the HP-100 uses a cathode follower output stage, its source impedance was high at 2.4k ohms, rising to 4.3k ohms at 20Hz. The partnering power amplifier would best have an input impedance of at least 47k ohms if the bass is not to sound lean.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack

You can post pics of your system on Virtual Systems. Even a Digital knucklehead like me can do it easily with my smartphone or a digital camera downloaded to my computer.
 I feel your frustration. Bought a new house and have dedicated room that was bright and fatigued me.
Proper setup and room treatments. Now the System/Room is superb.

Alan Goodwin is a Stand up guy and will help you. Took me 1 1/2 yr to find a pair of 30' MIT ICs with XLRs as Alan suggested. They Did solve my issue and more. Work with Alan, he knows his stuff. 
Don't give up! Work the problem. Might take sometime and effort but you will get it. 

Best Wishes

I have a ET3 with a Pass Xa30.5
Combo is very reasolving & I understand your comment on “ drilled like a laser beam” without CJ

i changed tubes to a Mitshibishi from Upscale Audio and the change was remarkable from Electro Harmonic’s
Started as “Lean and super defined” and now is lush, and resolving with no evidence of stridency

anyway, my thoughts
it fixed the entire system & I can listen with no headaches , even the 80’s rock

its a no brainer to me
the CJ & Pass is good

tubes in pre is a very , very good thing with Solid State amp

@frozentundra did you mean Matsushita? If so I agree excellent 7dj8 tubes I use them in my preamp.

yep the “mits” in the 7d with cyro and best grade for $40

cjeap upgrade & sound like a Telefunken, I’m told 
Hey Guys - I borrowed an inexpensive tube preamp and man what a difference. My rig was screaming for tubes. So much so now I'm thinking about a tube amp also?

I know Magico needs / should have a SS amp. I only listen at normal levels. Just don't enjoy music real loud except once in a while. Do you think an ARC Reference 150 amp can drive Magico S5 Speakers proper at normal levels in my room? I just think for my taste with these speakers tubes can go a long way. Not quite sure that the ARC REF 150 is enough amp though? Thoughts? 

Loaded a few pics of my re-fit rig that is starting to take shape. Have new speaker cables coming (Cardas Clear Reflection) and new preamp (BAT 32SE) and am considering trading my Pass Labs X350.5 and a few bucks for a ARC REF 150. Thoughts?

I moved speakers out to very outside edge of carpet that can be seen in 3rd pic or so and that helped a bit. Pics make them look closer together than they really are.