Will you be going to see YES or YES this summer?

ARW has now taken on the name YES, which IMO, is the way it should be. Jon and Chris (RIP) were the founding members, so I say if Jon is playing Yes music, he has every right to the name. Especially with Rick in the band. So now that this discussion is open, which Yes will you be going to see? This is an easy one for me, the one with Jon Anderson as the lead singer.
Great show in Clearwater fl   Refreshing choices of albums. Same energy as the 70's. 
I ended up seeing them in Toronto, and in Albany.  snook2- agree with you 100%. They were great. Sure, they played nearly if not identical set lists in the above shows, but I enjoyed  them none the less. I can't get South Side of the Sky out of my head. Just tantalizing.