Support table or shelf for turntable

I was hoping to replace my oak table with either a wall mounted shelf of a heavy steel table.
The reason is that I am finding that the oak is picking up and transmitting vibrations to the turntable, a Garrard 401 in a birch ply plinth. I am hoping to move to a slate plinth and wanted to maximize the support strength and reduce feedback.
Here is a link to the shelf and here is a link to the table. Both examples of what I'm looking at.
Shelf would be mounted to concrete wall. Table would stand on concrete floor.
I was telling my wife about the conversation and she said if we are this concerned about subsonic tremors, then we are certifiable!

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I think I’ve earned the right to ask, @toddverrone..where are your experiences regarding wall mount TT systems?

I asked this earlier.............. You tried to discredit me for my passion/knowledge in my posts.

Now, the shoe is on the other foot? When it was the other way, I responded.

Where are you?

Give me a break.
I am getting my gear together to head out on a beautiful fall day to do some rock climbing..

For the love of God, slaw, let it go. I am not pretending to be an authority. I did not add 'coffee' recently. You can't edit posts after 45 min.. I have never used a wall mount. I am simply passing on info I have gathered from others. If you look back at the isolation thread, ages ago, you'll see I thank you there as well. And I never said I think you're an ass. Though we are heading in that direction. I simply said that your confrontational manner and insistence that everything is all about you will lead to that perception, which will take away from actually being able to share knowledge in a meaningful way. Half of the message is how it's delivered..

I will add that concrete walls and floors will at least negate the need to worry about keeping the shelf level due to the expansion/contraction of wooden structures. 
Let’s stay focused here: no one said a wall shelf would be the end to all vibration issues. I certainly didn’t say that. My recommendation of a wall shelf had to do with having less stuff between the speakers, helping to improve sound, which is a well established concept that I do have familiarity with. So maybe more careful reading of the whole thread would lead to less strife.

Looking forward to your findings, noromance.

And yeah, we are a crazy lot. Happy Sunday all!