Jetrexpro's music on YouTube

Hi guys,

Over the years I have composed quite a bit of music and much of it for no other reason than to scratch the musical creative itch I have.  This music is sitting in drawers and cd cases and will not be heard if I don't do anything about it so over the coming months I'll be posting some of it on YouTube. The first two pieces are posted. Regards Jet.

Here is the link.

Hi Jet, 
I listened this morning and enjoyed your music.  If you ever decide to make a recording let me know.  Do you play jazz? I love jazz guitar chords 😊. 
 Hi Charles. I listen to a lot of jazz, classical, rock and pop music. But I don't actively play jazz.  In this recording I recognize some jazz elements and jazz harmonies and the music has a swingy a type of feel.  It seems a hybrid between various styles. Regards Jet

Hi Jet,
Yes I detected a jazz like influence that's why I wondered if you might in the future incorporate some jazz chords. Just reflecting  my own musical biases I suppose 😊. 