My RP-5 arrives at Rogue today. Hopefully, they can fix the super loud white noise (plus buzzing in headphone section). My goal is to keep the RP-5
I'm updating my power amp by the end of the year regardless how quiet the RP-5 comes back. I'm keeping my ZU omen defs. I really want a tube power amp. I also understand the firstwatts are fantastic.
Anyway, here are the specs for the RP-5:
- Tube complement: 4 x 12AU7/ECC82 tubes
- Frequency response: 1Hz – 100KHz +/- 1 dB
- THD: <0.1%
- Gain line stage: 10 dB
- Rated output: 1V
- Maximum output: 27V RMS
- Output impedance: 500 Ohms
- Gain phono stage: 40dB, 50dB, 55dB, 60dB
- RIAA accuracy: +/- 0.1 dB
- Dimensions: 18.5 ”W X 4.5 ”H X 14.5” D
- Weight 30 pounds
- Shipping weight 45 pounds
- Power requirements 115/230V – 50/50Hz
For reference, the specs of my current amp:
-GeneralPower output80W x2Ch @ 8 Ohm
-Input impedance51k Ohm
-Output impedance30m Ohm*
-Frequency response20Hz - 80kHz
-Signal to noise ratio100dB
-Total harmonic distortion<0.03%
-Power supply115 / 230V
-Power consumption3.15A/ 1.57A
-Nominal input level0.6V
Now, with the above specs in mind, along with buying blind (I'll make sure there's a good return policy). What amp specs should I be looking at for low noise and good matching with the RP-5 and Zu's? I'm not looking for brands...just specs where I can at least narrow down my choices. I'm not worried about having high power. The 80 (SS) watts I currently have is more than enough for my speakers.
I know my current amp does have high gain (34.8) for my system, however, with my old Peachtree Nova, the amp hiss was only audible if I placed an ear on tweeter.
Here are the Nova Pre specs:
Variable RCA Stereo Output: 7V rms/11.2V peak
Pre Out 1 Output Impedance: 50
Ω (discrete class A)
Pre Out 2 Output Impedance: 15
S/N at the Variable Analog Output: 96db
Jitter Measured at the Master Clock: < 3.0ps
Power Supply: 8700µF of filtering
Stereo Separation: 94db
• Maximum Power Consumption:
60W, standby less than 1W
Thanks for your help. Looking forward to responses. Once I hear back from Rogue, I will report their findings