Avalon Time vs Avalon ISIS ?

About 20K difference , which would you go for ?
Hi Hugos7,

Did you end up with an Avalon speaker?  I wish to add a comment regarding the Times lower register. I had an REL S-5 sub in tandem with the Diamonds, but avoided using with the Times.  After reading a number of threads on Paul McGowan's site I raised the sub off the ground, rested it on a solid stand and played with the volume and frequency controls. Surprisingly, the midrange added some bloom and the Times are imaging deeper and wider.  Something to consider.
If only I could contribute to this thread beyond my standard Eidolon experience. Color me green but content.

My experience with a REL Studio III using their speaker (high) level connection affected the Eidolons sound stage slightly and I found slightly unacceptable. Using the Studios low level inputs allowed for optimum room placement and eliminated the sonic interference.

With a crossover point established reducing its volume was the only way to improve integration. Compared to two other DSP subwoofers the Studio was clearly integration handicapped. Feeding the Studio a DSP equalized low level signal helped a great deal yet it was still outclassed in my room.

I find I use much less sub with most analog playback compared to digital sources. Most likely a personal subjectivity.
