Please recommend a McIntosh preamp

Hello to all. So, I have been very fortunate to have a buddy who upgraded his amplifier, allowing me to receive his. I now have a McIntosh mc 352. What would be a good match preamp to this amp when I have saved all my nickels? Do I look for a model in the same era as the amp, or look into a newer McIntosh preamp? Thankx, Arthur

C2300 preamp (and I imagine the C23xx newer models) works very nicely with my MC352. Stock tubes are OK, but I upgraded to Gold Lion with positive results. MC phono section is solid on the C2300, and I'm another tone-control user because of my asymmetrical listening space. It's a rare preamp these days that has tone controls as well thought out as those on the C2300 or other Mac preamps.

Why not post your system details when you get some time? I'd be interested in seeing how it progresses, given our similar electronics.

Good luck.
I have a MC352 and so does my dad and brother! My brother uses the C2200 which uses 8 tubes total (4 for MM phono stage). You cant go wrong with that choice it is very nice indeed, clean, accurate, detailed, wide, great neutral tone and a beauty to look at. My dad uses a Modwright SWL 9.0 and loves it for its tonal beauty and organic presentation. I use a Manley labs Jumbo Shrimp with a Chinook phono pre. Compared to the C2200 my Manley combo has more rise, sustain and decay with a very liquid and palpable presentation which I love.

Matt M
I've got a C47 paired with a Harman Kardon Citation II amp.  Not SS obviously but a revealing amplifier, fussy with front end components.  

I like the C47 as it features a very nice DAC section for my Tidal Hifi streaming as well as a fine phono section for my low output Dynavector MC cartridge.  It's reasonably priced for a McIntosh component and has the same specs as the c52 but no meters or equalizer.  

Might mate well with the MC352.  

Thank you for all the responses. I presently have a pair of Genesis APM-1 speakers. Right now I am using an Anthem TLP -1 preamp.