Please recommend a McIntosh preamp

Hello to all. So, I have been very fortunate to have a buddy who upgraded his amplifier, allowing me to receive his. I now have a McIntosh mc 352. What would be a good match preamp to this amp when I have saved all my nickels? Do I look for a model in the same era as the amp, or look into a newer McIntosh preamp? Thankx, Arthur

I have a MC352 and so does my dad and brother! My brother uses the C2200 which uses 8 tubes total (4 for MM phono stage). You cant go wrong with that choice it is very nice indeed, clean, accurate, detailed, wide, great neutral tone and a beauty to look at. My dad uses a Modwright SWL 9.0 and loves it for its tonal beauty and organic presentation. I use a Manley labs Jumbo Shrimp with a Chinook phono pre. Compared to the C2200 my Manley combo has more rise, sustain and decay with a very liquid and palpable presentation which I love.

Matt M
I've got a C47 paired with a Harman Kardon Citation II amp.  Not SS obviously but a revealing amplifier, fussy with front end components.  

I like the C47 as it features a very nice DAC section for my Tidal Hifi streaming as well as a fine phono section for my low output Dynavector MC cartridge.  It's reasonably priced for a McIntosh component and has the same specs as the c52 but no meters or equalizer.  

Might mate well with the MC352.  

Thank you for all the responses. I presently have a pair of Genesis APM-1 speakers. Right now I am using an Anthem TLP -1 preamp.