The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 
I purchased a Sansui QRX-6500 "Quad" receiver for $512.00 in 1973.  Was my main receiver until 1987.  After that it was my garage sound system receiver until 1997.  24 years....a beast of a receiver and beautiful too!!
PS Audio Lambda cd transport purchased new in 1993. Wonderfully musical. Great rhythm. Legendary.
I preferred it to my CEC that I purchased some years later and sold.
A luxman t110 tuner that I bought new in 1977. Since I no longer listen to fm radio at home, I sold it last week.
In 1978 I bought a Pioneer rig with SPEC 1 & 4 and HPM-150 speakers. I sold it to my brother in 1984. In 2008 I got those speakers back, re-foamed LFs, paired them with old school Kenwood L-07 monos and pre, added a tube DAC and Squeeze Duet and now have a system for a grand that I am extremely happy with. Vintage sometimes gets a bad rap but my stuff works like a charm.