I need help, please? Listening to my system through music!

Hey all,

Please indulge me as I'm having an audio/identity crisis of sorts here. Maybe you can empathize, maybe it's just first world problems.

So, for several years up until earlier this summer, I was more or less happy and content with my audio set up:
  • Acoustic Zen Adagios
  • LSA Statement integrated (I tube rolled it)
  • Jolida JD9 Mk2 phono
  • Oppo 105 BDP
  • VPI HW19 Mk4 with Benz Ace cartridge
  • AZ and Decware cabling

It was my steady system for about 3 years after going through different many speaker/amp/tt/ combinations.

And then, based on several conversations with AZ founder Robert Lee and several Audiogon members, I became convinced that I needed to go the SET route for my Adagios. I auditioned Steve Deckerts' Decware amps and liked what I heard, but Mr. Lee recommended Triode Corp. amps, so when one popped up on Audiogon I grabbed it and sold my LSA Statement.

Now, the LSA is an understated star in the integrated world; it's a hybrid, dual-mono platform, perfected by Larry Staples and John Tucker of Exemplar Audio and delivers 150w of transparent power. The Triode Corp is a pure tube, 35w SET design with good reviews and Mr. Lee's endorsement. I tube rolled the input tubes in the Triode and then let it burn in for a while, even though I bought it used from a reputable Audiogon dealer.

Result? The bass the LSA delivered is missing. There's also clipping/distortion on the higher end. I took it to the local audio shop who biased everything and checked connections, etc. and gave it the thumbs up. But same result. It's a different sound than the LSA. It's not bad, per se; it's just not a full or comprehensive or satisfying. had I not had the LSA, I would have been pretty happy with the Triode.

You don't know what you got 'til it's gone.

MAYBE as a result, I really don't listen to music as much as I used to, if at all. I can't remember the last time I went on Discogs or to the local music store or even ordered any music on Amazon. I can't remember the last time I went down to my listening room and just enjoyed a recording. So, my questions are:

  1. Am I just over-reacting? And should I just sell the Triode and go for another amp and get over it? I'd rather not get the LSA again; I hate gong back to something I once had.
  2. Is hi-end audio, a hobby for the last 20 years, receding like many things do in our lives and now is no longer as paramount as it used to be?
  3. Is this a classic case of someone using music to listen to their system?
  4. Anyone else have these audiophile mid-life crisis issues?

Thanks for your patience and insight.

Warm regards,


Post removed 
@hifiron - Yes, I agree with your assessment of Decware equipment. I visited Steve up near Peoria and spent a pleasant afternoon with him auditioning the Torii and his Styx cables.  I've since bought the Styx cables but have yet to take a chance on the Torii. If/when the Triode sells, I may return to it.

@steakster Thanks for the feedback. I agree with your perception of Mr. Lee - he was such an accommodating and real person when we were doing business!
Hey all,

So, I sold my Triode Corp and was a bit sorry to see it go as it performed so well with more efficient speakers. But now I'm out an amp. I could return to the LSA, but what other 100wpc+ amps could you recommend (tube or SS)? My budget is $2K-$3K used or new. I've outlined my listening habits and preferences earlier in this thread. Speakers are AZ Adagios.

I'm not worried about auditioning a piece first. Most of my components I bought based on advice and have been very happy with. If I'm not happy I can sell it and try again.

Thank you,

I would return to the LSA amp and start unbiased - as much as possible - evaluation of the entire system regardless of the consequences. I myself do it from time to time. By now I know that after upgrading one more pair of RCAs and power cords, I will have to do big upgrades to take it to another level. But since funds are very limited, I'll wait. If they were less limited I would first get a great tube phono stage and then speakers and amps. After that arm and cartridge. It is possible that your phono is not up to the task, and I am unfamiliar with your cables. Trying more different tubes could be beneficial too. But first you really need to know what exactly is not good enough. Just take your time, these things don't tolerate haste.
So - an update:

I went with a Hegel H160 integrated, my first completely solid state amplifier in years.

It sounds wonderful; lives up to the reviews and mates well with the Adagios. The Triode simply didn't have enough power for them, though it was a wonderful little tube gem in its own right.

So, I'm happy with the Hegel - a brand I hadn't even thought of until I started researching and asking questions.

Speaking of which, is there a way to bypass the Hegel's DAC in favor of my Oppo 105's DAC? I assume the latter is better than the former?

Thank you again,
