What amp. to use with Totem Forest?

Picked up Forest speaker last night. I am currently using a Hafler XL600,lots of power. I would like hear what poeple are using.
I have the perfect amp for such accurate speakers! the Belles 250watt amp. This would be a perfect match. This amp is highly recomended with Merlin speakers for it's flat response. The Totems could use the extra power also.
At the Stereophile Hi-Fi show in New York, Totem Acoustics was demonstrating their speakers with the Plinius 8200 mk. 2 integrated amplifier and the room was packed everytime I went in to try and hear them.
...Hawks were driven by Plinius 8200 and Forests probably by fancy looking Nuvista?
I use with Forests VTL MB100 and feel that it's sufficient enough. They're not so tough to drive since they don't have large impedance falls. I've heard them driven by Pathos TwinTowers 35W/ch successfull as well.
Actually, at the show the Forests were driven by a new integrated amp from Totem. Far-out looking. I have no idea when it will be available or at what price.

The sound was great in the Totem room, but I suspect another reason it was always packed was the demonstrator (I'm not referring to Vince).
Have had my Forests driven by Odyssey Stratos Monos for a couple years. Had been running things through a B&K AVR202 receiever until recently when I took the receiever out of the chain and ran my new Ah! Tjoeb 4000 directly into the monos. The Forests sound much more dynamic, and the presence and resolution is much improved.Just now fully appreciating what the Forests(and monos!) are capable of, and am astounded by the bass response good ss amps produce from these speakers. Have taken the subwoofer out of the system for 2 channel. Drubin- Was the demonstrator a petite Italian gal? Don't get me started.