Linn Sondek question

What is it about a Linn Sondek LP12 that requires it to be tuned up?  I was at a Linn specialist recently and was amazed at the amount of Linn Sondeks he had just in waiting for "tune ups" or whatever they needed.  There must have been at least twenty.  So, how often does this have to be done?  Is it the springs, weather conditions etc.  I never see other tables requiring this kind of attention for what seems to be required on a regular basis.  Can it be done by the owner?  Seems like a lot of fiddling.  The setup that was there sounded great.  There is a specialist on youtube that posts many Linns and the sound quality is fantastic, but at what cost?  Like I said, I have never seen that many tables requiring attention in my life.  So what his the thing with these tables?
Good to hear from some Linn specialists who actually build and sell the LP12- def brings some more credibility to the old gal :) The deck is a classic and sounds like no other - if you like what it does , it will be your last TT . 
Davey- if you are a fan of Fagan/ Dan then this issue is a must ! Don't wait , they will sell out quickly. I bought 2 of Santana and gifted one to my dealer who built my decks; he was visibly shaken when I handed him a sealed box! Getting these in the UK adds a lot of cost. In retrospect , I should have bought a few more- they are expensive but will definitely put a big smile on your face!
@nkonor...where did you pre-oreder the next UD1S?  I wasn’t even aware that MOFI had even announced the next pressing? I usually have early inside info, but apparently not this time...

I found the new UD1S to be really close to the first (2) releases.  Much more so than I was expecting.  Yes, it does lose the analog recording warmth factor, but is crystal clean and ultra dynamic.  I think I have every known vinyl copy of this album and this release smokes them all.

Highly recommended!

varyat, ''if you like what it does, it will be your last TT''.

In the thread ''What's been your turntable ownership over the

years...'' there is just one such person. The rest either ''moved

on'' or never owned LP-12.

@varyat, I do like Fagan/Dan, but not enough to swing for this particular, they are making 5000 copies. I do own a couple of the Evans disc...and missed out on the Abraxas..:0(

@nkonor, I own the MFSL BOTW, didn’t know they were releasing a UD1s of it. The original MFSL is nothing to shout home about IMO. Somewhat opaque recording with not much in the way of highs.
Great music of course!
Unfortunately I didn't find out about the Bill Evans until recently.  I would have jumped on it had I known, but I'm just not willing to pay $300 and up for one.  Congrats to those who got in on it early.