Due to the financial squeezes, the limited audience, the internet shift, the low level of sales and where to obtain said sales...it might be comparable to a shrinking well full of monkeys. And the well is getting deeper all the time, the surface (way out) is getting further away and the monkeys are being squeezed. Agitated. Crushed.
Sooner or later a few monkeys will be found to be standing on the rest, as the rest are crushed in the fray to try and get to clear and clean air, and maybe get out of the ever worsening well.
The ones who find compromise of some sort will get some form of success in standing on the rest. Ie, violation of morals and ethics in a well of monkeys being crushed.
Imagine that garbage compactor in the first star wars movie.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u3QInIMVMESomething like that. Except it’s not garbage, it’s people and their livelihoods. It’s moving into an act of standing on everyone else. At some point or another, ethics/morals gets tossed, or one dies. Simple equation.
Do they like it or do they even want to do it? Who does? And, who is violating the so called ethics? Are there even rules here? When the given culture has rules and those rules no longer hold -as the sytem if failing- who in that system survives or wins? What the heck is winning, anyway?
Sympathy for the devil, or just a wider understanding of the circumstance? Audio is changing, like all things do.
Where and what one is doing in the given individually related flow and change ---is up to them. If one finds a different way than what others ’know’ and can figure out, what does that mean?
A way out, or just a different way of standing on top of others? When does this change come for a business or business model, does it happen all at once or is it all mixed up and all over the place for a long transition period? (if such a transition period can even be recognized while in the moment)
You’ll find good dealers and manufacturers and bad ones, each seen differently by different people. I’m (we’re) charlatans and snake oil sellers to some. To others, we’re decent people selling decent wares to people who want those wares.
Eg, is the internet based ideas of a beats headphone company a good idea.... or just a more effective parasite that has found a doorway, a doorway which has excellent access to hosts?
When does a rising consensus stray from considered thought (if it ever was thought oriented) ....and become dogmatic ritual? Who and what preys on such evolved societal and cultural norms... is part of the package as that is the slick way in, the time honored way in, the backdoor of widespread acceptance and penetration.
Big money marketing (political or corporate, no difference) does it's best to be non-intrusive to what is so fondly called consciousness... as that is the path to being effective in dominance in a unconsciously maintained human collective phenomenon named as a "functional and cohesive society and culture". The human world is dominated by it's unconscious aspects of cohesion, no matter what the voice in your head tries to say or do.
Individuals (dealers, manufacturers, etc) on forums generally aren't that slick. Otherwise you'd never notice.
Can dealers on forums, named openly or clandestine... be all that complex? Yes. It is.