Never seen AT-ML160, it can be closer to AT-ML150 which has a beryllium cantilever, the 150 is also very good cartridge, but not as good as the 170.
AT-ML180 is completely different compard to all of them.
The problem with the 160 models is that you will not find it in the catalog where this number simply missed, there are 140, 150, 170, 180 in comparison chart, but there is nothing about 160. Maybe the 160 was not for Japanese marked and that’s the reason i do not see it in the catalogs?
I still have my second spare of the AT-ML170 in fully working condition if anyone need it.
However, the price for refurbishing of the broken needle is not equal to the price of the perfectly working sample of AT-ML170 or AT-ML180 cartridge. If the AT-ML170 normally goes for $750+ in working order, the AT-ML180 goes for over $1000. While the re-cantilevering starts from $250 (SoundSmith) or $400 (ExpertStylus).
AT-ML180 is completely different compard to all of them.
The problem with the 160 models is that you will not find it in the catalog where this number simply missed, there are 140, 150, 170, 180 in comparison chart, but there is nothing about 160. Maybe the 160 was not for Japanese marked and that’s the reason i do not see it in the catalogs?
I still have my second spare of the AT-ML170 in fully working condition if anyone need it.
However, the price for refurbishing of the broken needle is not equal to the price of the perfectly working sample of AT-ML170 or AT-ML180 cartridge. If the AT-ML170 normally goes for $750+ in working order, the AT-ML180 goes for over $1000. While the re-cantilevering starts from $250 (SoundSmith) or $400 (ExpertStylus).