Dealers hijacking the discussions

I’m a very long term member and look at the forums most every day. I’m personally extremely irritated by dealers injecting sales pitches into the discussions which has never really been a problem before. Dealers are biased as it’s the nature of business and this is fine but I don’t go to audiogon to see shameless promotion. There’s one guy in particular that needs to go away. The fact that you’ll all know who it is says volumes about the amount of posting this guy/dealer does on audiogon. Does anyone feel as I do. Just curious.
The point really should be is the product a valid recomendation that the OP may like?

The point actually is whether the recommendation is valid (or perhaps 'uncolored' would be a better adjective) due to the fact that your livelihood is selling what you recommend. That is the true elephant in the room. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous.
In my world, I never "shun anyone pitching a new idea". Neither am I so naive that I imagine salesmen are doing so because they only want to help me.
This will be my last post on the subject, Dave.
Huh? What? Why would I comment on this thread? I am not a dealer, nor do I have a problem with dealers posting here, nor do I have a problem with manufacturers - like myself - posting on the forum. Carry on, smoke if ya got em.
I thought ‘hijacking’ was taking a discussion from say, amps, to a discussion about for
instance, DACs, being held by two or more members conversing about their new this or that DAC as if they were PM each other and totally irrespective of the topic, OP, or other member’s input.. Now, that sounds like a ‘hijacking’ to me.

Drifting off point into some esoteric essay loosely associated with the topic, but still in the ball park, is quite another scenario.

FYI One can never 'invade' or ‘bardge’ into a thread. They ain’t private, so bardging is a non thing.

Gaining new insights or ideas on gear never known of previously seems a pretty good thing. I have to admit AT has at least provided if nothing else, names of previously unknown competing brands to those I did know.

When I was in sales, there is a thing called ‘qualifying’. Its done thru talking to the customer as one tries to develop rapport. It did not take too long in the trade to see some folks are readily and easily approachable, and some just are not. Some need to find their own way and these will ask you directly about those points which interest them. IOW, leaving some alone adding absolutely no pressure, overt or implied, is the perfect way to deal with them.

Most audiophiles are the ‘hands off’ variety. Nuts and bolts sorts. Numbers and blueprints kind. Especially the ones who have been around the block once or twice. Options for this group is input they’ll meet with interest. If these options remotely contain inferences of sales, it is received as offputting.

‘Just browsing’ is the overwhelming attitude in forums, not inferences of sales past or future.

I’m pretty sure, and there may be many more, but once a poster starts throwing about w
ords like: sold; sell; sales; we sell; we liked; we preferred; we have sold: we used to carry that: we dropped that line; come visit; are not what members are looking for in forums, imo. I know I’m not.

How you say it is as important as what you say and don’t’ say.

Come correct! individuals are expecting individual input, not company lines, corporate policies, and so forth.

In other words in the forums, just be a person. One without the atmosphere or onus of strings firmly, loosely, or possibly being attached., then or later.

Given TAO’s above essay, the issue in commerce hinge on this: in a valueless society price, is king.

Predominately. Like 90% or grater. Quality may not even be in the equation, it may well be understood, but price remains unseated these days.

A correction is coming. Just like in real estate a couple years back when that market crumbled and crashed. Its on the horizon. As well it should be. The only unknown is its degree of impact.

Over at the DIYaudio forum, we started a thread  called 'thraedjacking'. all about changing the thread. I was so good at being off topic that I managed to practically own that one....

Why deal with one subject at time when one can deal with a dozen? Why crawl by the inch when you can fly in all directions at the same time?