Please Recommend Transport + DAC for $5K total

My current Jolida cdp is growing pretty long in the tooth. I could just replace it with another cdp, but it seems more prudent to go with separate transport and DAC, at this point. Would prefer gear made in N. America. Total expenditure not to exceed 5K. I'm considering Sim Audio Moon 260CD or Bryston BDP-3 as a transport. The thing is, I prefer the option of demoing at home and I haven't (so far) found any vendors offering that option with the Sim Audio piece. As for a DAC, same thing: it has to be something I can try out at home, like a Schiit Yggy or Benchmark DAC2HGC. Can anyone suggest other possibilities, given these parameters? My system: Wells Audio Majestic Integrated, Silverline 17.5 monitors, JD100 cdp. Speaker wire: Audio Art SE. Power cables: Audio Art Statement. IC's: Audioquest Cheetah.  Thanks! 
At that price point I would focus on the DAC and use anything with an optical or coaxial out (provided the DAC has an input for it).  To get a $2500 transport and $2500 DAC may be cutting it too thin.  

Maybe you could use your Jolida CDP for transport (does it have an output?) and pick up a new DAC to go with it.  

I use my old Musical Fidelity A5 CD player, because it is basically worthless on the used market and bought a new DAC.  Worked out well.  

The answer is No, I have no idea how much a transport matters in relation to a DAC, so I am merely suggesting the option without making a hard case for it.  I have moved to some CD playing and mostly Streaming now, which lends itself to my choice.
chadlesko; I guess I could give up the "made in N. America" demand and  go with something like a Cyrus, Cambridge or Oppo for a transport, which would allow me to spend more on a DAC. They are all available to demo from online merchants. 
Schiit Yggdrasil without question. I too had the same concerns about buying without listening. But after reading web site after web site of pro and consumer reviews, in addition to other do diligence, I took the leap of faith. Boy am I glad I did. Frankly I’d recommend a Yggy if your budget were 10K. They do give a 15 day trial, albeit with a 5% penalty should you decide to return it. But the 15 days begins from when you sign the fedex receipt. As for a transport, anything really that can send the Yggy digital via coax, usb, aes/ebu or optical.
There are many fine DACs in that price range. Suggest listening to as many as possible before deciding.
