The New Western Electric 845 Replicas

It is a little confusing because, while both versions are copies of the Western Electric 284, the Psvane WE845 Replica's are a copy of the 284 A, which was the first version. They list for $798 and have a street price of around
$700. The Shuguang WE845 Replica's are copies of the later and superior 284 D version. United Electronics copied the Western Electric 284 D in the 1930's to 1950's. UE dubbed their version the 845 W. The "W" stood for
"warrized", which meat in today's jargon that they were "ruggardized" for military purposes. The Shuguang's go for about $450 a pair, I am not sure of the official list price. In my opinion, they are priced backwards.
The Shuguang WE 845 Replica's are the best 845, which I have heard since the United Electronics W's of which I owned a pair. They are now the best reason to own 845 output based equipment. If you are listening to 300 B's in a push-pull circuit because you need the extra power, these new 845's represent a viable alternative.
845 equipment owners, roll the correct new WE845 in and rejoice!
I will be back after I get a chance to listen to the new Shuguang 211's, which feature the same top chamber that their 845's and UE W's do. Western Electric used the top chamber to remove excess gas, which is why it was featured on many of it's larger output tubes.
I just got delivery of a pair of Shuguang WE845 from China (eBay Purchase). It took a month for the delivery. I replaced the original tubes from Cary CAD-805, which had been used for ~6yrs. Before their arrival, I used GE 211 tubes for a while. Anyway, I run the amps with WE845 only for 10hr or so, but they sound amazing already. Soundstage becomes incredibly deep and wide, and the texture of music is much dense and real. With good recordings that I am very familiar with, I feels like they are here to play the music just for me rather I was there. I do not have any experience with Psvane WE845 so I can not compare them. But I am very impressed with SG WE845 in their sound reproduction and build quality.
I will leave my feedback after ~100hr.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but any feedback on these tubes after 9 months of usage?

Are the Shuguang WE845's still going strong? I have the cheaper Shuguang 845b and often think of trying another tube and the WE845 would be my first choice but just wonder on how they hold up.
Yes, I have no problem with the tubes for more than a year!!!
I play the amp for ~20 hr each week on average and they do their job very well.
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