+1 Exactly how I read JA last paragraph. Full of euphemistic BS whenever the POS SOTA ultra expensive audio jewellry measured performance is poor in certain aspects. He is also careful not to compare products and be overly enthusiastic when performance in a reasonable price product is exceptional - usually just saying he is impressed. After all a reviewing magazine needs advertising revenue and cooperation from the industry - so it can't pick winners and it's job is to cheer on every latest product. So kudos that JA still manages to convey his views to those who are discerning enough to translate that last paragraph.
+1 Exactly how I read JA last paragraph. Full of euphemistic BS whenever the POS SOTA ultra expensive audio jewellry measured performance is poor in certain aspects. He is also careful not to compare products and be overly enthusiastic when performance in a reasonable price product is exceptional - usually just saying he is impressed. After all a reviewing magazine needs advertising revenue and cooperation from the industry - so it can't pick winners and it's job is to cheer on every latest product. So kudos that JA still manages to convey his views to those who are discerning enough to translate that last paragraph.