Are there differing qualities of optical cable?

I currently have my Gungnir Multibit DAC connected by optical cable to my Oppo player which I use as a transport. I also have a Cardas coax cable connected to a different input.  The optical sounds better. My question is, are there different qualities of optical cable you can use, or is one the same as the other?
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I installed a new glass fiber optical cable.  It was a definite improvement over my previous Monster optical.
Today I just got a new DH Labs Silver Sonic coax cable.
Again, a definite improvement over my previous Cardas coax AND definitely better than the new optical.
So, double improvement!
Thanks for all the suggestions.

Question:  Does coax cable require burn in?
It sounds great right now.
Awsome that you had a significant improvement! I suspect that some burn-in will help.  I don't think it will be as drastic as an analog cable.
Thanks Auxinput for your awesome suggestion.
i can’t believe the difference.
The cable removed distortion I had in a very, very loud Mahler symphony (#8) and significantly improved sound staging.