Mod my Rega P5 OR...time to move on ??

I`ve been enjoying a nice Rega P5 with Groovetracer upgrades (minus platter) but am thinking about a change now. 
Question: Should I add additional upgrades to this table like a better arm and a better platter or would I be further ahead just getting a different table ? 
I`m pretty set on my phono stage (Herron VTPH-1MC) and cartridge (ZYX AIRY 3) the room has been treated and the table is on a Rega rack. 


I'm curious to see what the OP decides on, since my path was similar.

I certainly miss the simplicity of the Rega philosophy-just put a record on and lower the arm.

The difficult decision however, is where do you draw the line on tweaking$ and justifying the sonic improvement? 

Post made while listening to my now dated stock Classic(except Mapleshade brass footers and obscenely price maple slab) with Audio Technica ART9.

My P5 just couldnt keep up with the VPI. This of course is my subjective opinion.


Thank you for making that distinction! Very important.

A main consideration is (one's personal preferences).
slaw, the wall bracket you have there in your profile looks interesting. I hope your project was a success?

Im fortunate the 100 year old wood planked floor of my place doesn't add the footfall dilemma. I find the low tech(and pricey) Mapleshade philosophy doing its thing with my table.

At this point, only a MAJOR$ system overhaul would satisfy my ears, and that just ain't gonna happen because I'm about $75k short!

@tablejockey ,

It’s a leap of faith based upon my experience within my situation. I’m confident enough without it being ready and in my system to "profile" it. So, you all are watching it develop before it’s implementation. I’m in the phase that now it’s totally up to me to finish it. If it doesn’t work, I’ll be a laughing stock!

I’m still a proponent of decoupling from any structure. I believe I’m also supported by the Townshend video on youtube.

One of my top three main objectives in devising this wall mount system is having the price to sonics ratio being about 20/80. A tall order these days. I hope I can show with some ingenuity and little money, big things can actually happen.
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