WTL Simplex II>A23 Interconnect>& Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II Hum

Hello All,

First post, apologies in advance for poor etiquette. My (new) WTL Simplex II has been causing me some annoyance with a persistent audible hum, presumably, a ground loop. I’ve done all of the usual isolation maneuvers to no avail. That is, until now! I touched the ground lug and the right and left A23 interconnects and the hum dissipated significantly. When I touched the ground lug and the actual right and left channels plugs on the TT the hum seemed to all but disappear. Not sure what my next move is - grounding the ground lug to the right and left channel plugs seem daft! Any advice here would be appreciated. 

My system (analogue chain) is as follows:

WTL Simplex II>Auditorium 23 interconnects (parallel-symmetrical design with the shielded plugs in amp)>Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated amp.

Note: I’ve tried both London Decca Super Gold and a Clear Audio Arum Classic Mk II Wood cartridges and both hum.
Thanks for getting back to me fjn04. The Simplex provides the same ground spot as the Amadeus as does the Rogue. I have attached the ground to the TT and amp.
Have you tried NO ground wire at all. I know people have tried ground wire in another spot, but I believe that involved a Step Up, which I know doesn't help us here.
Check with your dealer, but how about a cheater plug...? They sell them at Home depot. Just a 3 to 2 adapter where you plug your 3 prong PC in to and then the 2 prong side plugs in to your wall outlet.  
Thanks for the feedback, fjn04. I do appreciate it! I've tried no ground and it made no difference. I didn't try the cheater plug. I've officially given up. I'll tell you why. I've have plugged the TT in to 3 different amps. My Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II with built in MM phono stage, my Mytek Brooklyn DAC (built-in phono stage & headphone amp), as finally my NAD Integrated C 315BEE with NAD PP2 Phono Preamp.

Unfortunately, there was the same hum present in each. I used different power outlets around the house to no avail. I honestly believe that I have taken this as far as I can. I have to say that, I really do enjoy the WTL Simplex II. I do love the way it tracks. It’s a wonderful design. The hum just has to go. The support I’ve bene given has been very good, but, I think it’s just taken too long to get to this point. Having said that, I am looking forward to the issue being resolved and just listening to the music. 
I had a Simplex with hum too and the solution was to buy shielded phono cables. I ordered a set from Grover Huffman and the hum went away.