Thanks gang. Yes, Almarg has helped me with other tube-related mysteries before. Knock knock, Almarg?
I powered the amp down and removed the bad tube. It's getter flashing is "evaporated", and it looks like pictures I've seen of tubes that lose their vacuum or just go bad. Luckily I have a few backup 5U4 types around
My main question remains, though: In a Cary SLI-80 integrated, how can the amp seemingly work just fine with one of its two rectifier tubes blown? And, for that matter, can I run the amp with only one rectifier indefinitely (not that I would)?
I plan to contact Cary this week and see what they say.
BTW - The bad tube is (was) a Philips 5R4GYS from Uncle Kevin's shop. I purchased a matched pair from a fellow A'Goner a about a year ago. Sounded great, and the huge coke bottle style looks awesome. But nothing lasts forever. If an angel gets its wings every time a bell chimes, then what happens every time a vintage NOS tube goes bad? ;-)
Thanks again to those that chimed in.