A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE

Dedicated ground solutions are not a novel idea but over the past year it seems everyone has been coming out with their version. For a few months I’ve been thinking about introducing one to my system and had considered Entreq, Telos, Nordost and others. Although I have a bunch of Synergistic Research (SR) kit I had dismissed their older basic ground block as too rinky dink -- however when I heard about the new Active Ground Blocks I thought that could be the way to go. The Active Ground blocks are smallish devices with a mains connection and a plethora of outlets for grounding cables to every component. They incorporate a range of the latest SR UEF tweaks

While the blocks alone are quite expensive ($2995) you will also need to lay out for connections to all of your components -- ideally the HD links. In my case as I have two distinct zones in my system I needed two ground blocks and 13 links -- quite an outlay

Question is is it worthwhile? Most certainly yes. The impact of implementing a full grounding solution in my system was one of the most profound changes I’ve experienced. It’s not a change that can be described in the usual audiophile terms of dynamics, frequency response, transparency etc. Instead it’s a shift in the wholeness, the verisimilitude, the gestalt of what you are hearing. Probably this is most obvious in a couple of places. Firstly is in background washes of sound (e.g. classic synth backings, or massed strings, or the whoosh that opens "Private Investigations") -- which now take on a scale, texture and clarity that had previously been completely masked. Secondly in vocals where a whole level of shading, nuance, breathwork, and subtly inflections are now audible. This is not simply more "detail" or a "reduction in the noise floor" it’s as if things which you did not know previously existed are suddenly there, as they had been all along

The effect is enhanced the more things you ground -- obviously all active components but even stands (my GPA stands are conductive so I connect a basic ground link to the bare metal inside the stand posts -- the surface metal is varnished and non conductive).

While I obviously can recommend the SR products I imagine any ground solution will bring similar benefits and would strongly suggest that anyone with a high resolution system explore some form of ground solution

ps For those in the now the music to accompany this review is A New Ground

The active ground block has active components inside as well as a ground connection.

By the way the general rule with active SR components is to never disconnect them if at all possible. Once disconnected and reconnected the fields in the cables to which they are connected take 48-72 hours to fully reform. The same is true for AQ DBS as well. So be very careful if you are making these quick comparisons.

Disconnecting a ground lead at the component end is much less deleterious and a better way of doing a quick check on the impact of this tweak

I am using an ordinary AC plug with just the ground wire connected. Then that wire is connected with a 4mm banana to the SR grounding block. There are no special features with the grounding block just copper with all the grounding leads plugged into it. I have just about everything including video components connected to the block. It will accept 18 leads.  Imagine buying all of those leads from SR at about $450 each... gulp!
Too me, its a very useful and sonic addition. I think I got it for about $300 used.

I have never tried the Active SR ground block it just seems a little too pricey for me.

@ folkfreak,

Thanks for the response. I might be wrong but I think the  "active components inside" the box are mostly responsible for the reason why the thing improves the SQ of an audio system, not the AC mains safety equipment ground.

I have to wonder if the ground bar on the top of the unit is connected directly to the AC mains wall outlet safety equipment ground. Just a gut feeling it is not.

@jea48 i suspect you may be misunderstand how these systems work. They have no effect on nor relation to the safety ground. As @ozzy has observed even passive ground solutions give results, consider for example the Entreq units which have no connection to the AC safety ground at all but still produce the same type of results. The active circuitry in the SR block I have adds to the effect but you can get the main part of it by using a passive device. These devices will not address humm or other AC ground issues and have a completely separate use.
2,848 posts                                                                      10-29-2017 5:53pm


I am using an ordinary AC plug with just the ground wire connected. Then that wire is connected with a 4mm banana to the SR grounding block. There are no special features with the grounding block just copper with all the grounding leads plugged into it. I have just about everything including video components connected to the block. It will accept 18 leads. Imagine buying all of those leads from SR at about $450 each... gulp!
Too me, its a very useful and sonic addition. I think I got it for about $300 used.

I have never tried the Active SR ground block it just seems a little too pricey for me.



Thanks for the reply.
So your grounding block does not have the "active components inside"?
Does the safety equipment ground connect directly to the ground bar on the block?

It appears I need to rethink my understanding of the safety equipment ground.

Al, (almarg),

If you are following this thread, why is the safety equipment ground having any influence on the SQ of the audio system when connected to the grounding block? Especially if it is solidly connected to the ground bar of the block. If that is the case all the signal grounds of the audio equipment is then connected directly to the chassis of cord and plug connected equipment that uses the safety equipment ground.
