The best amp or improvement for Dahlquist DQ-10's

I have been looking at and listening to many speakers but every time I come home to my DQ-10's I still enjoy them most. Their flaw, and the reason I'm looking, is the bass driver and/or the bass enclosure. The sound is not "tight" or "punchy" enough. I've read that this can be alleviated with certain amps. (Although I am skeptical). I've even contemplated changing the bass driver and bass enclosure.

MY QUESTIONS: Is there a speaker out that has the same mid's and high's but with "tight" bass? Is there an amp that really could tighten this "loose" bass? (No suggestions over 2k used market).

SETUP: I have a Rega Planet cd player and Rega 25 turntable feeding an Audible Illlusions 3A pre-amp with Amperex gold pin 6922's going into a Rotel 980BX 100 watt per channel amp.

I owned the DQ 10's years ago. They worked beautifully with my, at the time, Bryston 4B. Go with a subwoofer, though. (I did ) You'll be very happy. I find it hard to believe that you haven't heard something you like better than the DQ 10s. They were great in their time. But that time is long gone.
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Thanks to everyone so far. I'm going to check out amp's today. The DQ-10's already have the crossover mods. And Warrenh, I can't find anything that sounds as "lush" as the DQ-10's.
When you're ready Imin2u, put it our there: What speakers you could buy for an upgrade. Figure the DQ 10s are worth, maybe $350-$400. You definitely won't find anything "lush" for that price. I don't know what you have listened to, but I would seriously consider upgrading your speakers before doing the amp thing. Just my humble opinion. This is, of course, I realize,is very price dependent. So you may be over before you begin.
Warrenh, So far I've heard three Meadowlark models that are OK but still not as "lush" in the mids and highs. (And the bass wasn't as tight as I'd like).
I've also demo'd various Castle, Energy, JM Labs, Monitor Audio, Paradym lines/models. Hopefully, I'll find a place to demo the Totem, Triangle, and Vandersteen lines/models this weekend.

Also, I think I'll Start a new thread on what people have replaced their DQ-10's with and what they currently have.