Power Cords

I currently have Wireworld Silver Electra power cords with upgraded Platinum plugs. I had two 1M Wireworld Platinum power cords, but rearranged my system and required longer cords. Yesterday I borrowed two Shunyata Sigma NR power cords. On the first note my wife softly said, "that sounds better". She said it was clearer. I listened for a couple hours, changing the power cords a couple of times. In my system and to my ears this is my conclusion:
The Sigma's are cleaner, definitely has more bass, a dead silent and completely black background. The Wireworld cords are more detailed, with a wider soundstage and better spacing/separation of instruments. All things considered I'll keep my Wireworld, but I'm curious to listen to other power cords.
After inserting the Sigma's I just don't understand how anyone that listened to different power cords could conclude that they can't hear a difference. There is a difference, but like any other component the individual has to decide if the change is worth it. $6K for two power cords is relatively expensive. Expensive, but oddly maybe a good value? In my system there was a definite improvement with better bass impact and articulation. Would spending $6K or just changing amplifiers yield similar results? As with most components there are trade-offs...is there a power cord out there that has the benefits of the Sigma's and Wireworld Silver Electra's? If so, at what cost?  
I’ve listened for two days now. I try very hard not to say one component is better than another one; but instead describe the differences I’m hearing. First, I submit my system is neutral and if it leans from neutral, most would say it leans to the slightly dark side. So my comments are not about which cable is "better", but what works better in my system.
The following music was used to evaluate the power cords: Kirk Whalum-For You, Erykah Badu-Live, Marcus Roberts - Live, Dave Koz-Hello Tomorrow, Kem-Kemistry, David Sandborn-Best of.
After extended listening not much has changed since my initial audition. The Sigma cables produce more bass. The bass is more pronounced and background is darker. The Sigma’s produce a smaller soundstage and gives the illusion that everything is pushed back, with less differentiation between front and rear images.
Returning to my Wireworld cables, there is a slight loss of bass. Bass is still there, but its not as over powering as with the Sigmas. Overall the Wireworld cables are more balanced in my system. The soundstage is more open, with better front to back placement of instruments and back-up singers. Cymbals come to life with the Wireworld. The lead singer appears to have moved slightly to the front, which provides the illusion of a deeper soundstage.
The Wireworlds are staying, not because they are better, but because they provide better synergy in my system. Evaluating cables is hard and time consuming. I honestly don’t know if I’m going to audition anymore power cords.
In a different system, there's no doubt that someone could prefer the Sigma power cords!
about any particular PC being less than or greater than...

Regardless of what anyone says about anything, their account is a subjective one. based on a particular set of parameters, or system goods and their preffs or EXP.s in all, however it is one person’s take on whatever.

I’ll not defend any cable maker’s products being best ever or better than, but for it to be better said, the attributes which were precieved in the context of a this & that outfit to my ears was… yada yada yada, and as such I preferred this xyz over the abc.

IMHO to flatly say Shunyata power cords were aimed at the mids and top ends of the bandwidth as to their best attributes is absurd. This is again, IMO and subjective.

With various pieces of equipment, in various system arrangements, most of the Shynyata PCs I used provided substantial bottom end performance, extended the top end noticeably and migrated the soundstage depending on which model was employed. The higher priced versions did more all around than did the lower priced iterations. Go figure.

Its tuff enough around here to surpass the subjectivity angle of a poster’s comments, but to deal with decided or implied bias adds undue complication.

Almost across the board of audio devices and accessories, things are priced as to their performance levels. Some are easier to validate than others as to their value and or worthiness.

My EXP alone says to me price of a thing fairly regularly indicates increased or decreased performance levels when similar items are in play. Again, indicates, but not necessarily equates.

The rut this next pearl of wisdom has scored is deep and lengthy….

“ya gotta try it for your self!”

And this one parallels the former….

‘if ya can hear a positive difference and can afford to gbuy it,, then do so!”

I wish it was easier. It ain’t. its pretty darn simple though.

Everybody is trying to make a better mousetrap. Be the mouse and find out if what they make actually traps you into buying it. Hopefully, it will be a very nice trap and you will enjoy it for a long time.

… or until you get hungry for another taste of peanut butter.

Sorry, many rhodents are apparently lactose intolerant and have altered their diets accordingly.

All my comments are a reflection of my analysis in my system, with my ears. For you to say " IMHO to flatly say Shunyata power cords were aimed at the mids and top ends of the bandwidth as to their best attributes is absurd. This is again, IMO and subjective." Nothing I said was absurd, it's my opinion based on listening with my equipment. You don't have to agree with my opinion. It's funny you acknowledge everything is subjective and at the same time suggest any opinion that differs from yours is absurd. If you believe it's subjective and I hope every one has a right to state their opinion, it's hard to say that they are wildly unreasonable or illogical.Then again, you're free to think what ever you want!
Richard: You might ask Galen if he has a Cardas Clear Beyond cable to loan you for your Rowland amp. I'm interested in knowing how you would compare them to what you hear with the Sigmas. I f Galen doesn't, I'm headed to SA the first part of December and, if you want, I'll bring one of mine for you to listen to--although the longest I have is 1.5M. Let me know if this interests you.
You’re more than welcome to visit me when you come to SA. My system has changed a little since your last visit. How is your system sounding after all of your updates? How's the Antipodes DX 3?