Hello Friends,

1. I am from Mumbai, India and am planning to upgrade my present system to the following:-

(a) Speakers - Dynaudio C4s or B&W 800 D3.

(b) Power Amp - Mcintosh 452 or Mcintosh 601 (Monoblocs).

(c) Pre Amp - Mcintosh C 52.

(d) CD Player - SA 8005.

(e) Cables, Power and DAC - Not decided.

(f) Turn Table - In the Future.

2. Please advise me whether I should go for Dynaudio C4 or B&W 800 D3. I have heard both speakers but on different setups as the dealers in Mumbai are different. I liked both but B&Ws are costlier. Also if I choose B&W, should I go for Mcintosh 601 Monoblocs instead of Mcintosh 452 Amp? I listen to Rock, Folk, Country and may be mix of other music.

Thanking You All

T. K. Varghese
Thanks a lot for the advise. Will keep your suggestion in mind while deciding cables.
I owned the C4s with a Mac 402 then the 454( trying both with them)..I say the are not a good match..The Dyns need a faster more controlled amp especially in the lower section,Pass labs comes to mind,Mac is too slow and tubby.Never a fan of any B&W speakers except back in the day when we had fewer options..Just my take.
I'm from the camp that get the speaker first. They all have a general 'house' sound. Find the sound that suits you the best. Then worry about an amp to help refine the sound.

IMO both the B&W and Dynaudio are fine speakers but very different sounding. Personally I find B&W fatiguing after some time (even quicker if played really loud) where Dyn's I can listen to forever. (disclaimer - I owned Dyn C1's for about 5 years). The C4 is my favorite in the Dyn lineup but too big for my room.
Thank you for your valuable input. I will try out the speakers and then decide on the Amp.