Hello Friends,

1. I am from Mumbai, India and am planning to upgrade my present system to the following:-

(a) Speakers - Dynaudio C4s or B&W 800 D3.

(b) Power Amp - Mcintosh 452 or Mcintosh 601 (Monoblocs).

(c) Pre Amp - Mcintosh C 52.

(d) CD Player - SA 8005.

(e) Cables, Power and DAC - Not decided.

(f) Turn Table - In the Future.

2. Please advise me whether I should go for Dynaudio C4 or B&W 800 D3. I have heard both speakers but on different setups as the dealers in Mumbai are different. I liked both but B&Ws are costlier. Also if I choose B&W, should I go for Mcintosh 601 Monoblocs instead of Mcintosh 452 Amp? I listen to Rock, Folk, Country and may be mix of other music.

Thanking You All

T. K. Varghese
I owned the C4s with a Mac 402 then the 454( trying both with them)..I say the are not a good match..The Dyns need a faster more controlled amp especially in the lower section,Pass labs comes to mind,Mac is too slow and tubby.Never a fan of any B&W speakers except back in the day when we had fewer options..Just my take.
I'm from the camp that get the speaker first. They all have a general 'house' sound. Find the sound that suits you the best. Then worry about an amp to help refine the sound.

IMO both the B&W and Dynaudio are fine speakers but very different sounding. Personally I find B&W fatiguing after some time (even quicker if played really loud) where Dyn's I can listen to forever. (disclaimer - I owned Dyn C1's for about 5 years). The C4 is my favorite in the Dyn lineup but too big for my room.
Thank you for your valuable input. I will try out the speakers and then decide on the Amp.
Get the 800D3 with German Symphonic Line RG mk4 monoblocks and Cardas Golden Cross shot-gun bi wire speaker wire . These are best solid state amps on the market, and great match with the diamond tweeter. Mac amp are mediocre to say the least..... 800d3 give much broader and stable soundstage, so you need not to sit in the sweet spot, unlike most other speakers that I ve heard (and I ve heard alot). The C4 while fine sounding no doubt , are mostly for for the obsessive compulsive audiophiles who like to tinker with the SOUND..... you know the type which describes you the best.. ;) If you get the above keep in mind that both the amps&800d3 and Cardas speaker wire need about 1000 hours to fully break in ... The combo will sound amazing! Many audiophile in Europe who are in the know only use B&W with the Symphonic Line amps.... search the web...