Good advice here on testing to see how much power is needed, and as well, alternatively keeping Flicks and mucic separate if a tube amp for the mains is desired.
Based purely on content of the two formats, music and films, my question on this maneuver is why fix it if it ain’t broke, with respect to HT?
The proposal for using a tube amp to run the mains, depends on the Anthem’s ability to pass ALL signals digital or analog to a secondary zone. Most all procs will pass analog but not digital to zones other than the main one.
If your streaming is analog prior to the Anthem, you are in a less complicated scenario.
Regardless, if you proceed with throwing in a tube amp, merely reconfiguring the mains speaker cables from what ever amp to the Tube amp and perhaps a touch of altering the levels on the Anthem is all that ot be necessary for tube amp enjoyment. This is, of course with the caveat you have a tube amp capable or maybe better said, compatible with the SF speakers needs.
True too, you may find as Atma said, you might not need all 200w the HT amp is developing, to satisfy your speakers needs. 60w glass amp is as good a place to start as any, albeit there may be more contestants up around 75 to 100 in push pull affairs available. So, hide and watch the listings for what’s what in tube power amps and costs, or dive right on in.
Good luck.