Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

You can't show me a circuit that does what you claim. You can't because it doesn't exist. If it existed you'd have patented it.
Patience grasshopper - and all will be revealed.
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I read this entire thread, oh boy.

From the peanut gallery, all recording systems have inertia. Inertia will always distort the time domain relative to the original input. You can’t get away from this. It is a physical property that is built into such mechanical-to-electronic-to-mechanical transducers (microphones, loudspeakers). Zero "velocity distortion" is an oxymoron. Just as there is no net movement of air molecules in the propogation of soundwaves, so too there is no net movement of electrons in the propogation of electrical signals in audio circuits.

Enjoyment of music comes first. Reinventing physics comes second.

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