Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Apparently you've been at this gig for years judging by the guy who offered to take a listen to your gear who wasn't overly impressed the last time he heard it.
Its true - of course that was ten years ago. A lot of progress including a few breakthroughs have occurred since then. Do you know how many large corporations started in the garage of the founder? Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Hewlett Packard - they all had to start somewhere. Being on the same path - I feel like I'm in good company. The trick is that you have to make progress otherwise technology WILL slow to a crawl.
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Ok, so what are you going to do, slow down the propogation of an electrical audio signal to 750 mph? That in and of itself, if achievable, and I doubt it, would time distort the signal even further in the electrical domain. And, I challenge that air does not time distort music; there are microbar or even nanobar changes happening in local environments constantly, simply through the movement of air alone. We know how wind direction can easily change if we hear across a distance or not. Air molecules are chemical entities; electrons are first generation leptons. Each is governed by a VERY different set of physical properties.

Changes in playback speed change pitch.
Also, I read your white paper Roger. There is not a single element of circuit theory presented, or is there any citation of the work of many who have explored time domain distortion.

Got clothes?
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