Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

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My preamp sounds great it didn't crawl using CJ ET5 maybe upgrading to ET7 soon.Enjoy!!
Costco_emoji, obviously I’m referring to standard temperature pressure at sea level. You can ignore the kinetic VELOCITIES that Steve was trying to promote. I never said the speed of sound isn’t a function of temperature, Mr. Smarty Pants. Stop trying to put words in my mouth. The speed of sound is a constant at standard temperature and pressure. In Roger’s case you can assume any temperature or pressure you want. It doesn’t matter. He wants to preserve the speed of sound - whatever it is under the conditions at the time. Duh! The recording could have been made In 110 degree heat during a thunderstorm. It does not (rpt not) matter. Follow?

stevecham wrote,

"Ok, so what are you going to do, slow down the propogation of an electrical audio signal to 750 mph? That in and of itself, if achievable, and I doubt it, would time distort the signal even further in the electrical domain."

>>>>Uh, I get the feeling you’re not following the discussion. He’s not saying that at all.

Then stevecham wrote,

"And, I challenge that air does not time distort music; there are microbar or even nanobar changes happening in local environments constantly, simply through the movement of air alone. We know how wind direction can easily change if we hear across a distance or not. Air molecules are chemical entities; electrons are first generation leptons. Each is governed by a VERY different set of physical properties."

>>>>Again, yours are Strawman arguments. He’s not saying any of those things. You are jousting at windmills. Furthermore, If you had been paying attention you’d know that electrons have practically nothing to do with it.

Then stevecham wrote,

"Changes in playback speed change pitch."

>>>>>So what? You might as well say the sky is blue. He’s not implying playback speed changes. Hel-loo!

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