Solid state DAC under 12K retail preferably with ethernet

Looking to upgrade from AMR DP-777 and go solid state.
These are the ones I know or read about: Bricasti, Berkeley, Aeris, DirectStream, ODSE, Meitner, Luxman DA-06

Am I missing any other important DACs I should be looking at or reading about?
Currently leaning towards Bricasti M1 SE.

Rest of my system: Coincident Frankenstein Mk 2 300b amps, Devore O96
I would recommend anything SS from the Stereophile Class A+ list.

Benchmark DAC 3 should replace DAC 2 on the A+ list - it was only reviewed recently.

It’s the ODSX that has Ethernet. The SX versions with Ethernet are $10K (V-Caps) and $12,995 (Duelund caps). Look for review in the next 2 months on Audiostream and then hopefully, Stereophile.

The only DAC’s I believe in the Stereophile A+ list that have Ethernet are T+A DAC and maybe Ayre.

Are you looking for just good audio quality or must it be "Roon-ready"?

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

if you want Ethernet, I’d also look at the Merging+NADAC or Merging+Player.

Oh yes, ODSX not ODSE.
And to answer your question: I only care about audio quality.

I don't care about DSD. Most of my music is CD quality.

Perhaps I shouldn't care about ethernet for now, since most DACs don't have it yet and I can pick up a network player for 2K.