
Discussions essrand has started

Air Tight amps -- changing voltage to 120V or 230V5593
Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K?647663
Conversion of voltage in Air Tight amp9001
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference33759211
Has anyone heard the new Verity Lakme speakers?34241
Commercial streamer (bricasti m5 spotlighted) vs Raspberry Pi 4 implementation.54559
XLR cable with warmth without losing resolution951642
Help! My preamp/DAC is unable to drive my poweramp17796
All-in-one integrated, 10-15K range, class A/B only36406140
A light-hearted essay on loving music vs the audiophilia obsession304029
Any Luxman LX-380 user/fans/reviewers here?18830
Speaker cables recommendation from Nagra 300p amps to Devore O96 speakers28755
Preamp with Nagra 300p amp19473
Stereo tube amplifier recommendation with Bricasti M12 and Devore O/9622003
Which 300b amplifier for Devore O/961412545