Sorry but it is simple. Something that changes for weeks and possibly months is neither accurate nor high-fidelity. The term high-fidelity is about faithful reproduction of the source. Components that constantly drift and change in performance should be avoided if you care about performance at all. You are welcome to your finicky wonky products but that makes you no more a flat earther then the audiophile who seeks performance.
Sorry you bought such an expensive product that the seller has confirmed can’t produce sound with any consistency (for 600+ hours). You seemed to have struggled from the moment you hooked up these speakers instead of being able to enjoy them as soon as they were unboxed. Of course, if you enjoy these struggles and frustrations then that is good thing. You may refuse to believe it but it isn’t rocket science that there are indeed many products that work out of the box properly, consistently and for many years.
The reason for my suggesting you test your ears is because you are really struggling. You initially described the sound as giving you a headache. This is not a normal experience with a highly respected speaker like Magico.
Sorry but it is simple. Something that changes for weeks and possibly months is neither accurate nor high-fidelity. The term high-fidelity is about faithful reproduction of the source. Components that constantly drift and change in performance should be avoided if you care about performance at all. You are welcome to your finicky wonky products but that makes you no more a flat earther then the audiophile who seeks performance.
Sorry you bought such an expensive product that the seller has confirmed can’t produce sound with any consistency (for 600+ hours). You seemed to have struggled from the moment you hooked up these speakers instead of being able to enjoy them as soon as they were unboxed. Of course, if you enjoy these struggles and frustrations then that is good thing. You may refuse to believe it but it isn’t rocket science that there are indeed many products that work out of the box properly, consistently and for many years.
The reason for my suggesting you test your ears is because you are really struggling. You initially described the sound as giving you a headache. This is not a normal experience with a highly respected speaker like Magico.