Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Costco, you are a wannabe who hasn’t done anything. Little boy, little stick, big mouth. 

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You’re not the first wannabe that tried to hump my leg. Go ahead, knock yourself out. 🐩
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And in 48 years you haven't achieved any success or praise for your audio expertise, but you're about to teach the true greats in the field some big lessons, eh?
As a matter of fact - Yes.
This brings us back to the egg on your face moment that's coming down the pike like an 18 wheeler.

Please kosst for Gods sake man - you are in a nose dive like you have no idea. You are making it worse on yourself.

Think about this for a moment. Just humor me.
What if everything I've told you is true and accurate?
Including that there are no designers that are even close to creating what I have made.

Wouldn't that be something?
The good news (for audiophiles) is that it really is here.

On that note I would suggest that we call a truce on beating a dead horse because its getting nowhere fast.

Lets wait and see what happens next and then you can react.