Preamp Recommendation

I have just purchased Classe CTM-600 Mono blocks. They are currently running with an old ML 38s. I have tried using a VTL 6.5 III but had a hum problem. Tried everything but could not get rid of the hum. The 6.5 was not new so the pre it self could have had problems. 
I have an option to buy an Ayre KX-R at a great price. Question is will the Ayre a significant upgrade on the ML? Speakers are B&W 800 D. Sources include Clear Audio TT and a PS Audio Directstream Junior. 
You did not mention price , SS or Tube  preamp.

Myself recently just got away from main stresm commercially made. I decided to try a Direct Heated Triode preamp 
Using premium everything ,4 pole power capacities Lundahl transformer based with multiple filter chokes. NEOTECH 0 crystal 
Wire. The sonic purity is outstanding. 
This is exactly why I custom build. Using high-end parts for much better sonics.😎 nice to hear someone else has broken away from the norm!👍
Parts Connexion has a 25% off sale this weekend, and free shipping over $100.
I haven’t but if someone has one and is local to the Chicagoland area and wants to demo it. I’d take up that offer. Love to compare mine with it. They are