I want to caution folks who want to plow ahead and do an upgrade. Please note I said my crossover may be different than your DI crossover based on others who have looked at their parts and values. You must take apart your set and see what is in there. The builder is indeed changing things with time. Dont just order the values I did as yours may be different. I had an additional inductor that another owner did not have on the array. His resistor and cap values were also different. Since we don’t know the coil values you may not be able to order the extra one you need to match my board.
Understand what you have. Diagram it, plan, and plan some more. I think the earliest sets were changed to what I have. Did Eric change it more since August/Sept? Perhaps, I do not know.
Understand what you have. Diagram it, plan, and plan some more. I think the earliest sets were changed to what I have. Did Eric change it more since August/Sept? Perhaps, I do not know.