many choices for the above budget. Several great ones already mentioned. Depending on the gear, room etc one can end up with diffrent set-up, inclduing solid state vs. tubes etc and thenmatching speakers will be diffrent.
Vinatge Altec speakers like the 19, 604 based or Flamenco/Valencia can be great (the latter with legend, Shindo, Air Tight, Trafomatic, Almarro, etc etc gear) or Devore O/93 or O/96 can work really nicely.
KEF 107 or ADS 1590, Merlin (now out of business), ProAc, Audio Physic Virgo could be awesome for practically nothing with modern or vintage solid state...and then many modern speakers some folks already mentioned. The Vandy Quattro and Treo (perhaps with Vandy subs) is a great choice to my eras for much less than the above budget. Pretty good customer service too. No affiliation with any of these speakers just some experience with 55 or so pairs and many audio friends with diffrent gear and room.