TW Acustic Phono Users

Do you own or have you tried the TW Acustic RPS 100 Phono?  Looking for impressions on this phono.

I highly recommend Herbies Audio Lab Ultrasonic RX9 tube dampers 1 on each tube.You will get better imaging less smearing and better over all sound.Thanks enjoy.

A couple on my list for running multiple arm/cartridges are the

Thoress Phono Enhancer MK.2


Hi - got RPS100 several months ago but was having system ground loop issues only on phono that caused analog to be unlistenable.  Replaced my power conditioner with Vibex and now able to use -- just starting to use more regularly and could not be happier.  Haven't started digging out my older vinyl and playing with the phono curves but as would be expected SQ takes a major leap forward over the solid state Ayre phono it replaced.
Tried their old one made by Thoress, if memory serves.  Is the latest TW RPS 100 phono stage any improvement?  ebm, seems to think yes.