looking for the best cd transport only, without dac

I have a Hegel H160 with inbuilt DAC and I'm looking for cd transport recommendation for $1000 or so. I have Harbeth SHL5 + and like an open and transparent sound. I've considered PS Audio PWT and other used options. I'm currently using my $75 Sony bluray player for transport and surprised how good it sounds. I've auditioned transports like Marantz and Cambridge. Options like Primare and Audionote I have't been able to listen to, the latter ones used to get closer to price point. There is also the Oppo 203, but wonder about quality of sound sacrifices in jack of all trades box? When I have compared the few transports I've tried the sound quality differences were quite subtle. So have people here done some serious comparisons of sound quality of just transports and have any great recommendations? Thanks
Are you sure the inner dac at Simaudio Neo260D outperform the Bryston DAC ?
I heard the Bryston dac and was very impressed by its analog ,worm tube like sound, Didn't hear the Neo260D can you explain what it did better ?
I use a Cambridge CXC transport, run that through a Wired4sound Remedy reclocker to my DAC. Wonderful sound for the money. 
When I auditioned the Neo260D and compared to the CXC, the differences were very subtle in a pretty good and isolated local audio shop. There was some music that sounded to me better through the CXC and others through the Neo and a lot that was hard to discern a difference. This is part of what began this post for me, is there much of a difference in transport only cd players? So I really appreciate people here who have actually had the opportunity to directly compare different transports directly. 
If you auditioned the Neo260D and compared to the CXC, the differences were very subtle that's show you how good the CXC is at the same level as the Neo260D that cost many times more ! I bought the CXC as a temporary solution to my system till funds allow to buy a serious hi-end transport and was impressed  how good it is.