Magico S5 vs KEF Blade 2 vs TAD Evo One vs YG Kipod II Sig w/pwr bass

Opinions please. All are Used and are the same very good price but The Y&G are $4000 less which is nice.

KEF Blade 2

TAD Evolution One

Y&G Kipod II Signature w/Pwr Bass module

Magico S5

Would love your thoughts any thoughts on any please! Being all used and in good shape these are all within $500 of each other used price but Y&G and those had highest list but know to be good used deals because they are pretty serious speakers.

I think as far as used speakers in the great value - now less than 1/2 price but still new enough to provide great performance these are some different but pretty serious speakers. Please any and all feedback totally welcomed and is super helpful 

Source: Bricasti M1SE DAC 

Preamp: Parasound JC2 Pre

Amp: Pass Labs X350.5 Amp

IC: Darwin TRUTH Balanced

SC: HiDiamond D8 w/Furutech

PC: HiDiammond P3 (7)

AC: HiDiamond HDX2 

Transport: microRendu 1.4 and full suite of UpTone Audio Premium Power Supplies (2)x LPS-1 and (1) JS-2 LPS - (2) Regens - ISO and Amber and custom Canare DC cables for all / Tellarium Q Black Diamond USB cable and Curious Regen Link

Room is 12 x 23 w/Cathedral Ceilings - 15 Foot a peak 

Music: Assorted Music no metal or loud hard rock anymore really - not much Large Scale classical either but everything else.

Likes: Transparency- Delicate-linear-Dynamic-Fast - high resolution-microscope but not sterile not etched or lifeless - I know there is a fine Line here but I'm looking to walk it and come out on the right side - but real see through into the music - transparent to the source because I love my DAC - there more everything else sound more like my DAC the closer I'm getting to where I want to go as close as possible - image and sound stage lover - tight bass - hate flab - like speed and transparency as my selection choices might speak to

Coming from: Rethm Saadhana V3 speakers which I love and are incredible but want to try something else. 

Love any feedback about matching or equipment matching or one or multiple of these - what you heard at shows or whatever. Love more Info on these.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Kenm10759 - I thought long and hard about the Blades before pulling the trigger on the Magico's. What size room is yours. I was thinking my room might work but thought it might on the verge of being too small. Your hearing them in both too small and one much better is good stuff. What sizes where they approx? Thanks 

If you review my comments you will see they are not a personal attack but entirely suggestions and responses to factual assertions by yourself who claims, "Houston" we have a problem.

I don't recall suggesting you get ATC speakers, as I dont think that would have been at all helpful on my part. So how this has become "the real matter at hand" in your mind is entirely your viewpoint which I don't share. I don't have a problem with your opinions about ATC. They are indeed the wrong speaker to purchase if you intend to flip them after a year or two. You certainly make a good point there.


Good point. However, would you not agree that at 40 Hz the acoustic suspension should dominate the overall response in a well designed box.
You are right, mechanical should dominate. My point in commenting is that there are real observations out there that should not be discounted. Too many people say that Magico speakers go through that process to discount it, especially when there are known measurements that show that drivers change over time for a finite amount of time when they are new. They also change electrically over time. What else in a speaker changes electrically over time? Has anyone ever measured that? I know that I have had speaker crossovers modified and Clarity Cap MR installed. The sound absolutely changed over time. What causes that? I don't know. What I do know is that it was a real process similar to hearing a speaker with new drivers. To insinuate that Magico are poorly designed is in my mind absolutely not true. They are meticulously engineered. I have heard the S5 on several occasions at shows, some not so good, some good, and a couple very impressive. What was the reason for the differences? It could be any of a number of things, including speaker break in, system matching and room set up. IME, all of those things are real and matter.

All good points. Though I am not trying to insinuate anything. To be clear, IF Magico indeed takes more than 600 hours to break-in (which I doubt for such a seriously well engineered speaker) then this is actually a poor design IF the design intent is accuracy and high fidelity. Frankly, I don’t believe Magico change audibly after a few hours of playing loud, which is a far cry from 600 hours or more.