Most overrated bands

What are some examples of seriously overrated bands? My candidates are

1. Led Zeppelin
2. Velvet Underground
3. U2
4. Ramones
5. The Who
I thought Sigur Ros was overrated. Not bad but they were a head scratcher for me until I went to a concert. I got it from that point on. I can't really explain it as I was not high or anything. In fact the night was off to a pretty rough start and I was not really into it. I think the whole audience was transported that night to another place. 

Before listening to Los Lobos I read several professional critics saying how brilliant they were. IMO, they are ... meh. So IMO overrated.
I’m taking the above post seriously. The singularity is approaching. Most of us will experience it in our lifetime. The purposeful efforts being invested in AI by the likes of Ray Kurzweil and Elon Musk among others speaks to this eventuality.

Once the Singularity is here, how will the man/machine perceive our understanding of aesthetics, whether in music, literature, the visual arts etc.??

Orwell was wrong and Aldous Huxley was right..."It WILL BE a "Brave New World".
I welcome the arrival of singularity, it can't come fast enough. The human race is reaching its sell by date.

But in the meantime I think that whilst Radiohead are a good band - a few good songs (No Surprises, Everything In Its Right Place etc) - their albums are vastly overrated. Kid A is the only one I can bear to listen to right through, and that's because of the muted vocals.