Magico S5 vs KEF Blade 2 vs TAD Evo One vs YG Kipod II Sig w/pwr bass

Opinions please. All are Used and are the same very good price but The Y&G are $4000 less which is nice.

KEF Blade 2

TAD Evolution One

Y&G Kipod II Signature w/Pwr Bass module

Magico S5

Would love your thoughts any thoughts on any please! Being all used and in good shape these are all within $500 of each other used price but Y&G and those had highest list but know to be good used deals because they are pretty serious speakers.

I think as far as used speakers in the great value - now less than 1/2 price but still new enough to provide great performance these are some different but pretty serious speakers. Please any and all feedback totally welcomed and is super helpful 

Source: Bricasti M1SE DAC 

Preamp: Parasound JC2 Pre

Amp: Pass Labs X350.5 Amp

IC: Darwin TRUTH Balanced

SC: HiDiamond D8 w/Furutech

PC: HiDiammond P3 (7)

AC: HiDiamond HDX2 

Transport: microRendu 1.4 and full suite of UpTone Audio Premium Power Supplies (2)x LPS-1 and (1) JS-2 LPS - (2) Regens - ISO and Amber and custom Canare DC cables for all / Tellarium Q Black Diamond USB cable and Curious Regen Link

Room is 12 x 23 w/Cathedral Ceilings - 15 Foot a peak 

Music: Assorted Music no metal or loud hard rock anymore really - not much Large Scale classical either but everything else.

Likes: Transparency- Delicate-linear-Dynamic-Fast - high resolution-microscope but not sterile not etched or lifeless - I know there is a fine Line here but I'm looking to walk it and come out on the right side - but real see through into the music - transparent to the source because I love my DAC - there more everything else sound more like my DAC the closer I'm getting to where I want to go as close as possible - image and sound stage lover - tight bass - hate flab - like speed and transparency as my selection choices might speak to

Coming from: Rethm Saadhana V3 speakers which I love and are incredible but want to try something else. 

Love any feedback about matching or equipment matching or one or multiple of these - what you heard at shows or whatever. Love more Info on these.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
csmgolf - Well said and I totally agree with you. Some people if they can’t have the little tool put on it and measure it and then look at the results and analyze it then it doesn’t exist. 

I appreciate measuments and their critical role. Nelson says it all the time that his ear is the final binding decision maker. We are really just learning how and what to measure in so far as how much those measurements actually equate to actual better perceived sound.

How old crappy - well I shouldn’t say crappy but an old inexpensive Carver amp will measure better than some of the most beautiful sounding First Watt amps that Nelson makes. He finishes them up by ear with the help and guidenance of measurements but he is not a slave to them rather they are a tool he employ’s judiciously

He uses the measurements to get everything close and then tunes by ear. Sort of what we do. We get real good stuff and usually stuff that measures well and then we tune our rig the best we can with matching gear but we can’t even come to even agree on break in never mind actual design or tuning. 

Some people trust the ear. They believe in it because it’s not just the ear but how that ear provides sound and that sound connects and makes them feel a certain way rather than just listening there is an emotional connection.

With others none of that really matters but what’s on the plots and graphs and well the ear and the sound and the feel of the music plays a much more subordinate role to the science.

Fair enough - there is enough room for us all. 

I am more likely to believe something I can see, taste, touch, smell or hear vs what someone else says these things should be. I just experienced it myself why do I need someone to tell me about it and actually that it was not that at all and this is what that really was or should be it is? Does that make sense or as they say does that pass the smell test? 

Ok so I walk into a restaurant and I just tasted some new dish and to me it was flat out terrible. I just didn’t like anything about it. Actually I hated it. Made me nauseous :) 

Well that person just pulls out all kinds of proof from professional tasters and genuine French chefs and industry professionals and authorities on the matter they even did a triple blind scientific test to prove well beyond any reasonable doubt that what I just tasted was in fact was excellent tasting. I might be dumb founded and even question myself a just a little bit in front of all this proof to the contrary and wonder if I may even have a problem with my taste buds or something but only for a split second and then I’ll walk away laughing at them all thinking how crappy that food was and glad to let them have it :) and not doubt myself for another second :) 


Totally agree. It would be nice if the hijacker would either back away or commit to civil commentary. In the end, it is all about the way we hear it. And if many hear the same thing, as in this case with Magico break-in, then the devil's advocate is not needed or appreciated. It has been fun to follow in your journey. I hope that this thread will get back on track and all those who've been following along will also appreciate that. Can't wait to hear your next revelations. Cheers
pokey77 - thanks so much !!!

People like you and many others is what I like so much about this website.

I am learning a lot and genuinely enjoy the hobby. I am getting there. This has been a challenging but rewarding system re-fit. I wasn't sure the Magico's were going to be for me but much of that was me needing to fix my own mistakes while removing the mismatches, the weak links and of course the break in is really coming along nicely..

Another cool thing is Magico is following this thread and they have reached out to me a multiple  times with positive encouragement, advice, and made themselves fully available to me to help. They even offered to send out a Magico rep to help me out with set up and advice, etc.

Pretty impressive considering I bought them used but they still cared and it was genuine and legit. Just nice people that wanted me to enjoy their products.

Goodwin's my local Magico dealer has been great also. I tried out a few of their cables to try and settle things down and overall they are fantastic as well. I have done deals with them in the past and most certainly will again the future.

I didn't want to really bother either of them because I bought these used but their empathy and kindness went a long way with me. I thought everyone should know that this OEM and their dealers really care. 

These speakers now with all these advances are really performing like I wasn't sure they would. I am looking forward to injecting some tubes into the signal path but no longer see it as needed and part of me is now thinking maybe a more pristine pre might even be more ideal. (Ayre, ML, Pass type of thing) 

We shall see but if I feel the BAT is sort of dark or even slightly adds a vial then its not staying. I like the upward projecting my system is on and don't want to stunt that or worse go the other way transparency wise. I think the BAT can be nice and dynamic and transparent so I am hoping it gooses things upwards but we shall see. If it's not as transparent and doesn't dig as deep as I hope the dealer I got it from also has the Allnic L- 3000 MKII and the Levinson 326S that might need to be swapped in but I will give the BAT a good old kick at the can first though :) 

Hey guys - wanted to update you. I got the BAT VK32SE and my PS Audio P10 Conditioner from Fedex and have had a chance to install and listen a bit and these adds allow me to see right away where and how they fit or don't fit.. 

Like I said I am learning and working toward building my new system re-fit and figuring it out on the fly. I know I am going to make mistakes because most all my buys are without listening first. I know not ideal but also most items I am buying are used so that is sort of the price of this approach. Saves a ton of money but I also don't get to try in my own system first but also buying used and properly allows me to re-flip the items that are not the fits I am looking for.

This said here we go.

I know it is very early but right out of the gate the BAT is not for me. Great preamp and nice and warm and sounds great but these Magico speakers are so transparent and so resolving that they crave - require and demand nothing but the most transparent and neutral components in the chain.

The BAT just provides a bit too much in terms of moving away from neutrality. 

I now understand why all you guys want components that are dead neutral. I never got that before but I sure do now. Clear as day!

Once your system gets to a level of transparency where every little change really is highlighted and effects the whole you want everything else that is added to not take from that.

The BAT is sweet and has great bass and sounds great but I have been running my Bricasti direct and realize just how much more I appreciate that sound vs what a tube preamp offers.

Maybe another tube preamp that is more neutral would be more to my liking but I am on the transparency train now and its hard to add anything that doesn't help scrub that window clean and make it as clean and as pure as possible where the BAT added too much tint to that window. A pleasant hue of tint but I tint none the same and many of you told me this and I want the glass in that window as pure and as pristine as i can get it and would love help and feedback from you guys.

Many of you called this but it was important for me to try a decent tube to get that doubt out of my mind and sort of flush my brain of that idea. Sure tubes can add so much that is desired but in my situation the trade off's where too steep of a price for me and one I am not willing to pay.

What do you guys think?

I am thinking Solid State preamp. Ayre K-1xe or maybe a Mark Levingson 326s. I would love a Pass XP20 but none out there used and the XP30 way too much money and the XP10 might now be able to outdo my Bricasti direct. Decisions / decisions. 

Also, the PS Audio P10 is fantastic. I love it and it was a nice add on the neutrality and transparency front so happy about that. 

I am batting 500 liking 1 out 2 of my last changes/adds.

Also, on my new focused path of neutrality and transparency I am making another speaker cable change. I know a couple weeks is very quick for these changes but in light of what I have learned it makes sense to me.

I switched from HiDiamond D8 to Cardas Clear Reflection speaker cables. My main reason at the time was my speakers with the former cables were incredibly bright and I wasn't happy with my speakers and this cable change and the added break was very helpful to fix this.

The bottom line is the HiDiamonds and the Magico's were not a good match so I pulled the trigger and made the change. I went to warmer and richer cable which was a nice change but the cable is a warmer and richer cable. I want neutrality and transparency so I today pulled the trigger on a cable change.

I sold my Cardas Clear Reflection speaker cables for the same price I paid for them so no financial pain there but they did help me learn more about my speakers and my preferences as it relates to these speakers. Also, what drove this is my ideal cable came available so I pulled the trigger. These were more money than the Cardas CF cables. Not a ton more and but a few hundreds more not crazy expensive considering the buy sell road i take but I am hoping this will be a nice change because these are a more higher end cable and well thought of cable and are known to work great with Magico's

Kubula-Sosna Emotion 2.5 meter Speaker Cables. I am hoping these are great. I am hoping these and a solid state preamp rather than a tube preamp will get me closer to where I want to go. Both changes are chasing that neutrality and transparency goal. There is always the fear of going too far the other way so that is why rather than a Nordost or a silver cable I went with the Kubula-Sosna Emotion as they are known to be a musical cable yet quite transparent.

I think my guiding goals are now transparent, musical and neutral and in this order is this is what will drive all my future decisions and not sure I could own this so confidently without my trial error process of trying on this BAT tube preamp.

What do you guys think? 

Any good SS preamp idea's?

Any of you guys here these speaker cables I just bought?

Thanks as always for all the help. 

I just started a thread asking about these 2-preamps but you guys have been with me on my system re-fit and wanted to see if any of you guys had feedback on these preamps:

Esoteric C03 preamp or Mark Levinson 326S preamp

ANY FEEDBACK - THOUGHTS - IDEAS would be so appreciated.