Doshi Jhor 90W monoblocks

Has anyone had experience with a Dohsi John 90W amp? I am looking to use them with my SonUs Faber Olympia IIIs. Not much information on the web. 

Basic Specs
EL34 Pentode output tubes – 90 watts per channel
Input Impedance: 75k ohms
Sensitivity: .775v rms for full power
Feedback: 22db
Output Impedance: 4 ohms
Output Power: 90 w
Here are the specs for my speakers
35 Hz – 30.000 Hz, tuning port included.
90 dB SPL (2.83 V/1m). NOMINAL
4 ohm.
50W – 300W, without clipping.
22V rms.

Room 13 X 15 feet 195 sq feet
ceiling 7 feet
Total volume = 1365 feet

Source:     MiniMac 2014 3.0GHZ I7 16 GB 4TB SSD as NAS
Software:     Roon, Tidal
DAC:       PS Audio Directstream
PreAmp:     As phono stage Moving Coil Anthem Pre 1
PreAmp:   Doge Clarity preamp used as line stage and MM phono stage
Turntable:     VPI Aries Limited Edition
Speakers:   SonUs Faber Olympia III
Sub:       SVS SB13-Ultra
Power:     Furman Elite-15 PFi
Cart:             Denon MC DL-103R
SUT:       Bob’s Devices SKY

I am a newbie. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

If you want to try tubes, I would look at Atma-Sphere.
But, if you want to try the Doshi, then you could get some rca-xlr convertors from Jensen for about $300. I spoke with Ralph (Atma-Sphere) and he said they shouldn't do much to the sound- I was thinking of using them when I bought his amps). 
I would then look for a pair of Zero Autoformers to help with the 4 ohm response of your speakers.
Hopefully, Ralph will see this post and give you the most accurate information.
I was going to suggest what Dave said; phone Larry Marcus at Paragon Sound. Larry could answer your questions and give honest comparisons to other amps.
Sorry for the delay in responding, I have been traveling. Thank you for your excellent suggestions. I did have an opportunity to audition the Doshi Jhor with a set of Sonus Faber Olympia III speakers. On one hand, I found this to be an excellent amp and clearly well constructed/ engineered with superb sound staging and an impressive sound floor better than what I am currently using. To my surprise I found the sound of this tube amp "fuzzier" than I thought it would be especially with the mids.

I do not think this is inherent to the amp, rather simple the difference between a tube vs solid state. I am currently using a tube preamp which I suspect along with my legacy Acurus A 150 SS is giving me the warmth I am looking for.

But... you know the drill, always looking for something to tweak and improve.  I hope to audition some ARCs in the near future.