What should my next upgrade be? Your best experience

I have the itch to upgrade my system now that I've been in it for a moment. I mostly stream (Deezer) or listen to CD/SACD content. I occasionally play vinyl but rarely, I'm sure I will continue to grow into it but am not looking to improve the TT now. I listen to mostly Classic Rock, Jazz, Blues, and Indie music. I'm listening to Talking Heads (live acoustic) as I write this. The Marantz PM-11s3 has zero issues pushing the Monitor Audio Silver 8s, it actually is a little over kill for them I think, as it has complete control of them, never losing its composure.  So there is zero chance the PM-11s3 is up for replacement at this point.
The room is 14'x40' with 12' ceilings. The system has no issue filling every inch and at high volumes so no issue there.

Current system is -

Marantz PM-11s3
Marantz UD7007
Marantz TT-42 
Sonos Connect
Monitor Audio Silver 8's
Analysis Plus Purple Oval 12 bi-wire
Tributaries 8AB XLR (UD7007 to PM-11s3)
Tributaries 2A RCA (Sonos to PM-11s3)
CyberPower Conditioner

The obvious direction, it seems to me, is speakers? But am I missing something? Would upgrading to a real audio quality conditioner with an upgraded power cable give me something more and set me in the right direction for future upgrades? 
Or am I not where I need to be with cables? Can I make a sonic improvement by upgrading speaker cables and/or interconnects while again getting myself in a good position for future upgrades?
I have to admit that this is the best system I've had and I do love every minute of listening to it.... Its fast, accurate, and punchy yet it has great sound stage and its not clinical. It has that Marantz sound/charm (warm but not clouded).
I know posts like this are common and beaten to death but my system is unique as it is mine and probably not exactly like anybody else's...
Never-the-less, I know I'm nowhere near where most of you are! And I know for a fact I have much less knowledge than most of you. I'd like to keep bettering my system, moving towards the personal listening nirvana if you will. So what direction would you head in if you were in my shoes?
What is your budget?  That's the most important thing in recommendations.  I personally will have friends get the Codex DAC/headphone amp and have them run it directly to the amp unit they can afford a good preamp.  The Chord Hugo 2 is another good DAC, but costs more than the Codex which is 1800 list. The Marantz is about 2800 online.  You can get a nice streamer for 500 or so.  Digital is changing so much and that's why i personally go for separate units so you can upgrade as needed or as you want and not get clobbered as used digital usually goes down in value much quicker than anything.

I agree that the Marantz unit isn't up to the same speed as newer DACs'.

That said, do you even have music that is more than 24/192?  I highly doubt that you do or will during the life cycle of this product. It will do native DSD, which you may or may not have, but it doesn't list the specs.  I'm sure it's the lesser of the playback specs though.  

For the money of the Marantz, I personally feel that you can get much better quality, but it will be in a couple of boxes.  YMMV

All things to think about.... I do really like the Marantz Reference sound and do believe in product synergy. I would have to believe that a NA-11s1 paired with a PM-11s3 would be very musical?
And as it is a few years old now I'm sure the NA-11s1 does not have the same top end specs as some of the new units but it's still very close and maybe better in the range I listen to which as I said before is SACD and streaming service in that area. Having said that I'm not that incredibly rigid I won't go take a listen and demo before making a decision. PS Audio is here in Colorado so I can start there and see where the search takes me.
I will say one last thing though that I like about the Marantz but I'm not sure that it matters in a DAC or not? But it's the build quality! Looking at its build, it looks to be in a much better class than the others in the same price point? There is something to be said for that and that does transfer into superior sound quality am I correct?   
I have systematically compared standard Connect with Wyred Connect, multiple DAC's...