Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

When you say "a bunch of us" I assume that means you and the other pseudo skeptics. Maybe you mean you and the other GED recipients.

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How about a rule that after x posts by a 'Goner on a single question, no more? How do these people find the time to engage in such pointlessness?

Agreed. However, FWIW note that the audiogon forum number of posts "logic" is such that it does *not* positively or negatively increment their respective numbers in such cases. :) 
I was often speaking with Mr. Paul in the months preceding his death.

He said he achieved 850% amplification in his ‘virtual room’ inside the amp. But I think he was amplifying the signal as timing or tracking signal at 850%.
I really wish we could see his schematics. I’d love to hear a system comprised from his gear.
I have a feeling he was doing something ‘new’.

Be in touch if you have some HCat gear that I could come hear!!!