Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio

The post linked below should be a mandatory reading for all those audiophiles who spend obscene amounts of money on wires. Can such audiophiles handle the truth?

I am fairly sure that the Op and I will never agree on anything bar possibly the over zealous actions of the mods on this site.
In fact this is the most unusual discussion forum I have ever been in where the mods appear to just be faceless entities who hack and slash at posts that displease them with no reason given.
Most other forums the mods are active well known members who regularly join in discussions them selves and if they feel a member is becoming a donkey hybrid will step in with a friendly warning first.
Why does this matter?
Well take this thread for example, it has had a fair number of posts removed which has had the result of turning it from a coherent thread to a bit of a disjointed mess as reading from the start it is obvious some posts are replies to a previous post that as it now no longer exists makes little sense any more.
Just my ramblings and I am sure a mod will be along shortly to obliterate this post........
Agreed. They've been busy lately. I've had all kinds of posts removed this past week, probably close to 10 or so. Before that, I had two posts removed in approximately 6 months.
“Flat Earthers” is an apt description of some individuals on this forum."

Flat Mirthers too...
Just to point out there are not very many Standards for audio, unlike say the Military or the FAA and other Government agencies that have Standards for practically everything, including toilet seats on Air Force One. Also, business is not conducted like it is in Government or the Military as there are no proposals, no evaluations, no third party testing, etc. There aren’t even any requirements! So, aside from a UL sticker here and there and Redbook standard for CD, everything in audio seems to be catch as catch can. There is no standard for polarity, no standard for dynamic range, or for SNR, for that matter. No standard for resolution, even for Sound Quality. As always we are at the mercy of the industry wonks and marketeers. 😳
No correlation between intelligence and visual skills, science says.

That is the implication of a new study which shows for the first time that there is a broad range of differences in people’s visual ability and that these variations are not associated with individuals’ general intelligence, or IQ. The research is reported in a paper titled "Domain-specific and domain-general individual differences in visual object recognition" published in the September issue of the journal Cognition and the implications are discussed in a review article in press at Current Directions in Psychological Science.

Same goes for hearing vs intelligence.

Appealing to authority or those who sound like they know something, does not correlate with excellent hearing skills. It’s all over the map.

Which shows that bringing a well spoken argument about how humans can’t possibly hear beyond measurements, is a full on red herring. When the evidence brought by many hundreds of thousands says different, then the well spoken argument means nothing.

Science agrees with this basic premise and point. At least in the idea of minimally tested theory (this is one test of many that have been done in this area). Which is all science can be, which is well tested theories, not facts. Einstein and Feynman and any scientist of renown you can quote -understand that science works this way. Science does not dictate reality into unknowns... it merely attempts to describe reality as witnessed. Nothing more.

Those who can’t ’see’ that, will continue to ramble and attack. Until they stop.

To be replaced by another who still does not get it.