Having been involved in work on video projection engines(how individual circuits I gear affects final outcome), both analog and digital, the optical intricacies (glass coatings, lens design, etc)..the screens, their placement, their design at the (photonic/atomic level)..the interlacing and associated scaling algorithms, and so on....basically the entire pathway..even the entire package of the image capture devices (including their fundamental physics) ..the entire package, in all it’s minute and interconnected overarching intricacies -and many aspects that folks don’t generally understand yet....and then going back to how people see...how they see differently...
....I can say that visual people suffer from the same complex issues as do the audio people.
I've done probably...1000-1500 'single cause analysis' tests in the video work in these mentioned areas. At least double that number in the world of audio. This is why I'm (now) in my 50's and getting into finally publishing works as product. The apprenticeship was fairly long it seems.... I like pure research, and selling product, building product - kills the fun of pure research. It's a grist mill, business is..it can ruin a mind and a life with ...well..what we see here in these threads. I avoided it as long as I could.