New McIntosh MA 8900 Integrated amp

Does anybody have any experience, or know of any professional reviews?  This new model is intriguing to me because it offers an upgrade-able DAC module, as well as both MM and MC phono inputs, and home theater pass through.  Also has good power at 200 wpc.  If the audio quality is there, I like the way this unit could reduce the clutter and cabling that would go with connecting a separate DAC and phono stage.   Also, I've never bought a McIntosh product, so does anybody know if dealers ever discount?  This particular unit is not available for online sales.
@ scorpio1951,

Thanks.  Yes, that review is what got me interested in the first place.  I was also hoping to see if anybody had personal experience yet.
Today I got to listen to the MAC6700 receiver with the new Wilson Alexia speakers and Nordost speaker cables. I am told that, in terms of amplification, the MAC6700 should be much the same as the new MA8900 integrated amp.  

I will say, the amp is dead quiet.  I would describe the sound as powerful and clear, with decent sound stage and decent highs, but I am not sure the Wilson tweeter is the best match for the McIntosh amp.  It seemed that on some crescendos the highs got a bit "shouty"and harsh.  Vocals were smooth and precise. Bass was decent but didn't seem to reach that deep to me.  Overall, the sound was impressive but I can't say it seemed that musical to me.

I realize that the sound today of course was affected and possibly limited by the room, which did not seem to be treated much.  I do think I would like to hear the 8900 some time with different speakers.
  mtrot, try to hear  the 8900 before buying the MAC receiver. Ideally, the 8900 with a good quality McIntosh tuner will outperform the MAC receiver. That is, if FM is important to you. 
@ scorpio1951

Thanks, the tuner is not important to me at all.  I'm now considering getting a pre-amp that includes home theater bypass instead of an integrated amp.  This would save me several thousand dollars and I would just connect it to my Krell amp.  The only fly in the ointment might be space in my equipment rack, as I would not be getting rid of the power amp as I would if I got an integrated amp. I'm now looking at the McIntosh C47 preamp, but it turns out there are scads of other pre-amps with home theater bypass that I need to consider.
Have you checked Accuphase ?
The e-470 integrated is in the same class as the McIntosh, also Accuphase has some fantastic pre amps, not sure about pricing in the US, as they differ a great deal country to country.
Good luck with your search.